lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009


Por: Hanssel Gebauer.
Oficina Prensa y cultura

ONCE UPON A TIME…That is the name of the THIRD ENGLISH DAY at our institution, and preschool already did its part last Friday when parents, teachers, administrative staff and most important: students, gathered together at the Assembly Room 1 to watch and perform a variety of presentations full of creativity and use of English.

Yes, that was what it was! Students from preschool showed how creative they are by role playing different stories, some traditional tales from around the world .

A special play was performed by parents; a group of 18 parents made their best effort to come to the school to rehearse and to study at home the script to offer the audience and especially their children the most fantastic performance about different tales characters. We not only had fun watching them, but we also realized how important it is to get involved in this special project we have to become bilinguals.

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